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  • Echoes Quotes   47
  • Do you recall the laughter of the Philistines at the helpless Sampson? You can hear the echo of that laughter to-day, as the church, shorn of her strength by her own sin, is an object of ridicule to the world, who cry in derision, "Where is your boasted triumph and your Millennial glory?
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Abbott Eliot Kittredge Quotes , Laughter Quotes , Echoes Quotes
  • An echo is a good way to describe the photogram, which is a visual echo of the real object. That's why I like to work with the photogram, because the contact with what is represented is actual. It's as if the border between the world and the print is osmotic.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adam Fuss Quotes , Real Quotes , Echoes Quotes
  • It seems to be the special peculiarity of human beings that they reflect: they think about thinking and know that they know. This, like other feedback systems, may lead to vicious circles and confusions if improperly managed, but self-awareness makes human experience resonant. It imparts that simultaneous "echo" to all that we think and feel as the box of a violin reverberates with the sound of the strings. It gives depth and volume to what would otherwise be shallow and flat.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Alan Watts Quotes , Thinking Quotes , Echoes Quotes
  • There is a place where time stands still ...illuminated by only the most feeble red light, for light is diminished to almost nothing at the center of time, its vibrations slowed to echoes in vast canyons, its intensity reduced to the faint glow of fireflies.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Alan Lightman Quotes , Firefly Quotes , Echoes Quotes
  • It seems to be the special peculiarity of human beings that they reflect: they think about thinking and know that they know. This, like other feedback systems, may lead to vicious circles and confusions if improperly managed, but self-awareness makes human experience resonant. It imparts that simultaneous "echo" to all that we think and feel as the box of a violin reverberates with the sound of the strings. It gives depth and volume to what would otherwise be shallow and flat.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Alan Watts Quotes , Thinking Quotes , Echoes Quotes