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  • Elements Quotes   31
  • A love affair is like a short story--it has a beginning, a middle, and an end. The beginning was easy, the middle might drag, invaded by commonplace, but the end, instead of being decisive and well knit with that element of revelatory surprise as a well-written story should be, it usually dissipated in a succession of messy and humiliating anticlimaxes.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : F. Scott Fitzgerald Quotes , Stories Quotes , Elements Quotes
  • We ought not to listen to those who exhort us, because we are human, to think of human things....We ought rather to take on immortality as much as possible, and do all that we can to live in accordance with the highest element within us; for even if its bulk is small, in its power and value it far exceeds everything.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Aristotle Quotes , Thinking Quotes , Elements Quotes
  • Plant consciousness, insect consciousness, fish consciousness, all are related by one permanent element, which we may call the religious element inherent in all life, even in a flea: the sense of wonder. That is our sixth sense, and it is the natural religious sense.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : D. H. Lawrence Quotes , Religious Quotes , Elements Quotes