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  • Adrian Marcel Quotes   17
  • I don't like to veer away from the truth because I think that's what people have fallen in love with about my music. It's honest. I can't portray to you something that I've never been through or something I didn't watch someone close to me go through. It's the best way for people to get to me know.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adrian Marcel Quotes , Thinking Quotes , People Quotes
  • If I had to collaborate with anybody on a song, I would pick Kendrick Lamar because he is so dope as an artist and I love his hustle and his passion. He is fearless and the way he comes to the music is like we share the same passion for what we do and with somebody from the West. In my opinion that would be a great collaboration.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adrian Marcel Quotes , Song Quotes , Passion Quotes
  • I am so weak over love and heartbreak. My music is rhythm and blues and with that said, the blues element of it is a major portion. I feel like it has been lost in R&B and a lot of people are scared to talk about their vulnerabilities and insecurities. They want to keep it up and in the club.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adrian Marcel Quotes , People Quotes , Insecurity Quotes
  • I think that I work hard to make my music as a diary for new generations who find out about it years later. They can go through the history and see a trail. It's straight and narrow, you can see the growth and understand that I'm not afraid to give you honesty and be honest about anything that has to do with my story.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adrian Marcel Quotes , Honesty Quotes , Hard Work Quotes
  • When you have somebody who takes their craft seriously, you don't have to babysit them and be there all the time.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adrian Marcel Quotes
  • The influence that Oakland has on my sound is about 90%. There's so many different elements to Oakland. Of course you have the street elements, but then you also have the culture and there's so much culture around. It's a competitive city, it's full of just great artists and talent. It gave me the confidence, the passion, the realness I try my hardest to portray, so it has had about 90% influence on me.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adrian Marcel Quotes , Passion Quotes , Artist Quotes