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  • The idea was to restore the rule of law, to bring order to a chaotic situation. The results became more and more apparent. Crime rates went down in the border region. Today, the number of migrants crossing is at a 30-year low. That's because of years of bipartisan work on this issue.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Alan Bersin Quotes , Today Quotes , Crime Quotes
  • I've read about all the sales today. If you're an auto dealer, you're feeling it. If you're a furniture retailer like we are, you're feeling it. If you're a jewelry retailer, you're feeling it. I know some of these businesses because we're in them. Yeah, it's being felt, but it will be felt big time more if we don't do something about it, what's going on.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Warren Buffett Quotes , Feelings Quotes , Today Quotes