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  • Want Something Quotes   16
  • Now, you see, if you understand what I'm saying, with your intelligence, and then take the next step and say "But I understood it now, but I didn't feel it." Then, next I raise the question: Why do you want to feel it? You say: "I want something more", because that's again that spiritual greed. And you could only say that because you didn't understand it.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Alan Watts Quotes , Spiritual Quotes , Want Something Quotes
  • Now, you see, if you understand what I'm saying, with your intelligence, and then take the next step and say "But I understood it now, but I didn't feel it." Then, next I raise the question: Why do you want to feel it? You say: "I want something more", because that's again that spiritual greed. And you could only say that because you didn't understand it.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Alan Watts Quotes , Spiritual Quotes , Want Something Quotes