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  • Adam Rapp Quotes   52
  • When I got inside, I just sort of stood there. There's nothing stranger than the smell of someone else's house. The scent goes right to your stomach. Mary's house smelled like lemon furniture polish and oatmeal cookies and logs in a fireplace. For some reason it made me want to curl up in the fetal position. I could have slept right there on their kitchen table.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adam Rapp Quotes , Smell Quotes , Oatmeal Quotes
  • One of the tricks to writing great plays is to get people in a room together and not let them leave. You want the tension to escalate. Keeping them there is the hardest part, so you have to take away any excuse for them to leave.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adam Rapp Quotes , Writing Quotes , Play Quotes
  • When I'm directing, I'm pretty much not writing, but when I'm not directing I am writing a lot.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adam Rapp Quotes
  • There must be some unwritten law that says about fifty people have to move into your house when somebody dies. If it weren't for the smell of death clinging to the walls, you might think it was your family's turn to host the month neighborhood potluck supper.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adam Rapp Quotes , Death Quotes , Wall Quotes