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  • Francis Ford Coppola did this early on. You tape a movie, like a radio show, and you have the narrator read all the stage directions. And then you go back like a few days later and then you listen to the movie. And it sort of plays in your mind like a film, like a first rough cut of a movie.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Al Pacino Quotes , Movie Quotes , Cutting Quotes
  • Anaximenes and Anaxagoras and Democritus say that its [the earth's] flatness is responsible for it staying still: for it does not cut the air beneath but covers it like a lid, which flat bodies evidently do: for they are hard to move even for the winds, on account of their resistance.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Aristotle Quotes , Moving Quotes , Cutting Quotes
  • Clay is fashioned into vessels; it is on their empty hollowness that their use depends. Doors and windows are cut out to make a dwelling, and on the empty space within, its use depends. Thus, while the existence of things may be good, it is the non-existence in them that makes them serviceable.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Laozi Quotes , Cutting Quotes , Dwelling Quotes
  • There is an error common to both oligarchies and to democracies: in the latter the demagogues, when the multitude are above the law, are always cutting the city in two by quarrels with the rich, whereas they should always profess to be maintaining their cause; just as in oligarchies the oligarchs should profess to maintain the cause of the people, . .
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Aristotle Quotes , Cutting Quotes , Errors Quotes
  • ... Janis Joplin has one of the most distinguished female voices of the decade. It is a voice that has been aged in Southern Comfort and cured with Kahlua and milk. It is a voice that cuts you like a razor, but you can still hear the innocence in it, a claim to purity that soars out of the garbage of her throat, carrying evil harmonies.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Al Aronowitz Quotes , Cutting Quotes , Voice Quotes
  • For night's swift dragons cut the clouds full fast, And yonder shines Aurora's harbinger; At whose approach ghosts wandring here and there Troop home to church-yards.... For fear lest day should look their shames upon, They willfully exile themselves from light, And must for aye consort with black brow'd night.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : William Shakespeare Quotes , Home Quotes , Cutting Quotes
  • The fact is that the British Museum had a complete specimen of a dodo in their collection up until the 18th century - it was actually mummified, skin and all - but in a fit of space-saving zeal, they actually cut off the head and they cut off the feet and they burned the rest in a bonfire.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adam Savage Quotes , Cutting Quotes , Museums Quotes
  • Thirty spokes meet in the hub. Where a wheel isn't is where it's useful. Hollowed out, clay makes a pot. Where the pots not is where it's useful. Cut doors and windows to make a room. Where the room isn't, there's room for you. So the profit in what is, is in the use of what isn't.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Laozi Quotes , Life Quotes , Cutting Quotes
  • Our ape-like and arboreal ancestors entered upon the first of many short cuts. To crack a marrow-bone with a rock was the act which fathered the tool, and between the cracking of a marrow-bone and the riding down town in an automobile lies only a difference of degree.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Jack London Quotes , Lying Quotes , Cutting Quotes