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  • Cousin Quotes   25
  • I come from a huge family and out of all 34 of my immediate family members, my heavier influences were women. Between my grandmothers, aunts, older female cousins, and of course my mother, I was pretty much predominantly raised by women, as they make up most of my family anyway.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Aeriel Miranda Quotes , Mother Quotes , Cousin Quotes
  • If I have renounced the search of truth, if I have come into the port of some pretending dogmatism, some new church, some Schelling or Cousin, I have died to all use of these new events that are born out of prolific time into multitude of life every hour. I am as bankrupt to whom brilliant opportunities offer in vain. He has just foreclosed his freedom, tied his hands, locked himself up and given the key to another to keep.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes , Cousin Quotes , Truth Quotes
  • My mum had a cousin that had played when he was younger. When I showed an interest in drumming, he showed me how to mummy-daddy roll and that set me up for a bit. And to be honest, it's all about the sound, the noise, the rattle and hum. Who wouldn't want to make a fantastic noise with drums and cymbals?!
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Al Murray Quotes , Cousin Quotes , Honest Quotes
  • All my life I had to fight. I had to fight my daddy. I had to fight my uncles. I had to fight my brothers. Girl, child ain't safe in a family of men, but I ain't never thought I had to fight in my own house. I loves Harpo. God knows I do. But I'll kill him dead before I let him beat me.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Alice Walker Quotes , Girl Quotes , Cousin Quotes
  • A man is reputed to have thought and eloquence; he cannot, for all that, say a word to his cousin or his uncle. They accuse his silence with as much reason as they would blame the insignificance of a dial in the shade. In the sun it will mark the hour. Among those who enjoy his thought, he will regain his tongue.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes , Cousin Quotes , Uncles Quotes
  • My family has always had Cape Verdean pride but I don't think it was something the kids in the family necessarily understood. However, I was very conscious of the fact that both sides of my family were drastically different and my aunts, cousins, and uncles varied in different shades of brown.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Aeriel Miranda Quotes , Cousin Quotes , Uncles Quotes