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  • Kissing Quotes   144
  • And down I went to fetch my bride: But, Alice, you were ill at ease; This dress and that by turns you tried, Too fearful that you should not please. I loved you better for your fears, I knew you could not look but well; And dews, that would have fall'n in tears, I kiss'd away before they fell.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes , Fall Quotes , Kissing Quotes
  • the fire seven times tried this; seven times tried that judgement is that did never choose amiss some there be that shadows kiss; such have but a shadows bliss, there be fool alive, i wis silverd o'er, and so was this Take what wife you will to bed I will ever be your head. So be gone; you are sped.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : William Shakespeare Quotes , Kissing Quotes , Fire Quotes
  • And down I went to fetch my bride: But, Alice, you were ill at ease; This dress and that by turns you tried, Too fearful that you should not please. I loved you better for your fears, I knew you could not look but well; And dews, that would have fall'n in tears, I kiss'd away before they fell.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes , Fall Quotes , Kissing Quotes
  • No," interrupted Marcia emphatically. "And you're a sweet boy. Come here and kiss me." Horace stopped quickly in front of her. "Why do you want me to kiss you?" he asked intently. "Do you just go round kissing people?" "Why, yes," admitted Marcia, unruffled. "'At's all life is. Just going around kissing people.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : F. Scott Fitzgerald Quotes , Sweet Quotes , Kissing Quotes