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  • Aimee Teegarden Quotes   14
  • My philosophy with my career is mostly to just mix it up with a little bit of everything in moderation. And that's what makes my job so great, is that I get to constantly do different things, put on different hats, be different people, and mixing up the genre really lends itself to that.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Aimee Teegarden Quotes , Jobs Quotes , Philosophy Quotes
  • I wanted to be more hands on. Otherwise, every time you finish acting in a movie you have to almost go and beg people for the next job, whereas if you have the chance to create and produce your next movie that keeps you busier, it gives you more options and hopefully enables you to make the type of movies you're passionate about.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Aimee Teegarden Quotes , People Quotes , Giving Quotes