Evolution of Man:
Without Marriage "Spider Man"
On Marriage Day "Super Man"
After Marriage "Gentle Man"
If wife is beautiful then rest of life
"Watch Man"
Husband nd wife are like liver and kidney.
Husband is liver nd wife is kidney.
If liver fails, kidney fails.
If kidney fails, liver manages with other kidney.
Why do we all marry?
Because romance is not
the only element of life.
We should also know horror,
terror, suspense, irony,
stupidity nd tragedy of LIFE.
Over the phone: "Hey ! Sorry man I couldn’t be there on your wedding day,
but I really feel so happy for you two,
heres me wishing you all the best of health,
happiness and prosperity for your married life!
One of the good things that come of a true marriage is,
that there is one face on which changes come without your seeing them;
or rather there is one face which you can still see the same,
through all the shadows which years have gathered upon it.
Wife: where ‘ll you take me on our 10th anniversary?
Husband: We’ll go to African jungle safari.
Wife: Nice. And on our 25th anniversary?
Husband: I’ll bring you back.
Life before marriage is AIRTEL
" u can express ur self ".
During honeymoon is RELIANCE-
" Always get in Touch ".
After Honeymoon is HUTCH
" Wherever u go ur wife network follows".
After one year Life is IDEA
" ur wife can change ur life ".
After 10 years Life is BSNL
" Subscriber is not reachable "?????????
For the fools marraige are burden.
Marraige is the happy begining of 3rd phase of life.
It is to share responsibility,having ligal relations in society.
Married life becomes happy when u see the smile on ur childs face!
A person who surrenders when he’s WRONG,
A person who SURRENDERS when not SURE,
is WISE.
A person who surrenders even if he’s RIGHT,
is a HUSBAND.!!