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  • I have found by experience that man makes his plans to be upset by God, but, at the same time, where the ultimate goal is the search of truth, on matter how a man's plans are frustrated the issue is never injurious and often better than anticipated.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Mahatma Gandhi Quotes , Men Quotes , Issues Quotes
  • The problem was, and we saw some of this in the immigration-reform issues as well, was they hadn't done sufficient homework to know that I didn't have all the capacity they thought I did in order to just execute this through the stroke of a pen.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Barack Obama Quotes , Order Quotes , Issues Quotes
  • When you see a Donald Trump and a Bernie Sanders, very unconventional candidates, have considerable success, then obviously there's something there that's being tapped into; a suspicion on globalization, a desire to reign in it's excesses, a suspicion of elites and governing institutions that people feel may not be responsive to their immediate needs. And that sometimes gets wrapped up in issues of ethnic identify or religious identity or cultural identity, and that can be a volatile mix.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Barack Obama Quotes , Religious Quotes , Issues Quotes