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  • Risk Quotes   95
  • [The poet] is endowed to speak for those who do not have the gift of language, or to see for those who - for whatever reasons - are less conscious of what they are living through. It is as though the risks of the poet's existence can be put to some use beyond her own survival.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adrienne Rich Quotes , Risk Quotes , Survival Quotes
  • At Berkshire, I both initiate and monitor every derivatives contract on our books ... If Berkshire ever gets in trouble, it will be my fault. It will not be because of the misjudgments made by a risk committee or chief risk officer.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Warren Buffett Quotes , Book Quotes , Risk Quotes
  • The banks, because of mismanagement, because of huge risk taking, are now in very vulnerable positions. We can expect that we're gonna have to do more to shore up the financial system. We also are gonna have to make sure that we set up financial regulations so that not only does this never happen again, but you start having some sort of - trust in how the credit markets work again.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Barack Obama Quotes , Risk Quotes , Doe Quotes
  • Any onset of increased investor caution elevates risk premiums and, as a consequence, lowers asset values and promotes the liquidation of the debt that supported higher asset prices, ... This is the reason that history has not dealt kindly with the aftermath of protracted periods of low risk premiums.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Alan Greenspan Quotes , Risk Quotes , Aftermath Quotes