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  • Dance Quotes   109
  • I consider a country-dance as an emblem of marriage. Fidelity and complaisance are the principle duties of both; and those men who do not choose to dance or to marry them selves, have no business with the partners or wives of the neighbors.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Jane Austen Quotes , Marriage Quotes , Dance Quotes
  • It is interesting that Hindus, when they speak of the creation of the universe do not call it the work of God, they call it the play of God, the Vishnu lila, lila meaning play. And they look upon the whole manifestation of all the universes as a play, as a sport, as a kind of dance — lila perhaps being somewhat related to our word lilt
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Alan Watts Quotes , Dance Quotes , God Quotes