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  • Alan Titchmarsh Quotes   31
  • I don't like people being rude. Bad manners and arrogance make me cross. People making others feel uncomfortable. And I really don't like it in restaurants when people are rude or patronising to waiters. I feel like saying, 'They're not your slave'. But my knees only shake around once every five years. You're safe, don't worry.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Alan Titchmarsh Quotes , Years Quotes , Worry Quotes
  • I love Chatsworth, Winchester Cathedral, Edinburgh Castle... Every time I'm in the vicinity of something old and worth looking at, I try to go. You don't even have to leave your home town to see some places. How many Londoners have seen the crown jewels? Not many, and they'll blow you away, I promise.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Alan Titchmarsh Quotes , Home Quotes , Blow Quotes
  • I wish we could grow up about it, I'm sure we are contributing to global warming, and we must do all we can to reduce that, but our climate has always changed. The Romans had vineyards in Yorkshire. We're all on this bandwagon of 'Ban the 4x4 in Fulham'. Why didn't we have global warming during the Industrial Revolution? In those days you couldn't have seen across the street for all the carbon emissions and the crap coming out of the chimneys.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Alan Titchmarsh Quotes , Growing Up Quotes , Carbon Emissions Quotes
  • I was very inventive. I lived in my own world - my dad said I was a loner. Not lonely, just happy in my own company. It's the same now. I need time alone, which is maybe why I love to write. Having said that, I love the sociability of telly. It's a nice contrast.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Alan Titchmarsh Quotes , Lonely Quotes , Dad Quotes