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  • Kind Quotes   102
  • Our characterization of collective folly is that sound judgment is not feasible when there is forced or false agreement in groups. We also show how group polarization sets the stage for risky and even dangerous decisions to be made. How we navigate between false agreement and polarization is the kind of mastery that collective wisdom represents.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Alan Briskin Quotes , Decision Quotes , Kind Quotes
  • There are two kinds of paradoxes. They are not so much the good and the bad, nor even the true and the false. Rather they are the fruitful and the barren; the paradoxes which produce life and the paradoxes that merely announce death. Nearly all modern paradoxes merely announce death.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Gilbert K. Chesterton Quotes , Two Quotes , Kind Quotes