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  • George W. Bush Quotes   3288
  • I'm also honored to be here with the speaker of the House - just happens to be from the state of Illinois. I'd like to describe the speaker as a trustworthy man. He's the kind of fellow who says when he gives you his word he means it. Sometimes that doesn't happen all the time in the political process.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : George W. Bush Quotes , Humor Quotes , Mean Quotes
  • You'll hear people say it's racist to test. Folks, it's racist not to test. Because guess who gets shuffled through the system oftentimes? Children whose parents don't speak English as a first language, inner-city kids. It's so much easier to quit on somebody than to remediate.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : George W. Bush Quotes , Children Quotes , Humor Quotes
  • Freedom is on the march in this world. I believe everybody in the Middle East desires to live in freedom. I believe women in the Middle East want to live in a free society. I believe mothers and fathers want to raise their children in a free and peaceful world. I believe all these things, because freedom is not America's gift to the world, freedom is the almighty God's gift to each man and woman in this world.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : George W. Bush Quotes , Faith Quotes , Mother Quotes
  • There are some monuments where the land is so widespread, they just encompass as much as possible. And the integral part of the - the precious part, so to speak - I guess all land is precious, but the part that the people uniformly would not want to spoil, will not be despoiled. But there are parts of the monument lands where we can explore without affecting the overall environment.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : George W. Bush Quotes , Humor Quotes , Land Quotes
  • We're certain there are people that can't stand what America stands for... We're certain there are madmen in this world, and there's terror, and there's missiles and I'm certain of this, too: I'm certain to maintain the peace, we better have a military of high morale, and I'm certain that under this administration, morale in the military is dangerously low.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : George W. Bush Quotes , Military Quotes , Humor Quotes
  • We may discover resources on the moon or Mars that will boggle the imagination, that will test our limits to dream. And the fascination generated by further exploration will inspire our young people to study math, and science, and engineering and create a new generation of innovators and pioneers.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : George W. Bush Quotes , Dream Quotes , Math Quotes
  • When a drug comes in from Canada, I wanna make sure it cures ya, not kill ya... I've got an obligation to make sure our government does everything we can to protect you. And one - my worry is that it looks like it's from Canada, and it might be from a third world.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : George W. Bush Quotes , Government Quotes , Worry Quotes
  • Here in USA we respect someone's rights, and as we profess tolerance, we shouldn't change - or have to change - our basic views on the sanctity of marriage. I believe in the sanctity of marriage. I think it's very important that we protect marriage as an institution, between a man and a woman.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : George W. Bush Quotes , Believe Quotes , Men Quotes