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  • Confidence Quotes   72
  • People are timid and apologetic; they are no longer upright; they dare not say "I think," "I am," but quote some saint or sage. They are ashamed before the blade of grass or the blowing rose. These roses under my window make no reference to former roses or to better ones; they are for what they are; they exist with God to-day.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes , Confidence Quotes , Thinking Quotes
  • There are 3 elements essential in the matters of the State, Food, Military equipment, and Confidence of the people in the ruler. Of these 3, Military Equipment is the least important, Food being the 2nd important, and Confidence of the people being the MOST important. All men rather die of starvation than in war, but nevertheless all men do die of old age. Lacking in Confidence from the people, a state cannot survive.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Confucius Quotes , Confidence Quotes , War Quotes
  • With the realization of ones own potential and self-confidence in ones ability, one can build a better world. According to my own experience, self-confidence is very important. That sort of confidence is not a blind one; it is an awareness of ones own potential. On that basis, human beings can transform themselves by increasing the good qualities and reducing the negative qualities.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Dalai Lama Quotes , Confidence Quotes , Wise Quotes
  • It is only a man's own fundamental thoughts that have truth and life in them. For it is these that he really and completely understands. To read the thoughts of others is like taking the remains of someone else's meal, like putting on the discarded clothes of a stranger.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes , Confidence Quotes , Men Quotes