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  • Wrath Quotes   28
  • No one can count the terrors that the earth spawns, catastrophic, gruesome, and the vast arms of the sea swarm with brute monsters bent on harm, and everywhere between the sky and ground lights bloom by day in flares and sudden bolts; and birds and beasts alike can tell of the whirlwind's whirling wrath.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Aeschylus Quotes , Wrath Quotes , Light Quotes
  • Truly it is allowed us to weep: by weeping we disperse our wrath; and tears go through the heart, even like a stream. [Lat., Flere licet certe: flendo diffundimus iram: Perque sinum lacrimae, fluminis instar enim.]
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Ovid Quotes , Heart Quotes , Wrath Quotes