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  • Rome Quotes   38
  • In all the disputes which have excited Christians against each other, Rome has invariably decided in favor of that opinion which tended most towards the suppression of the human intellect and the annihilation of the reasoning powers.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Voltaire Quotes , Christian Quotes , Rome Quotes
  • An institution is the lengthened shadow of one man; as, monachism of the Hermit Anthony, the Reformation of Luther, Quakerism of Fox, Methodism of Wesley, abolition of Clarkson. Scipio, Milton called "the height of Rome;" and all history resolves itself easily into the biography of a few stout and earnest persons. Let a man, then, know his worth, and keep things under his feet.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes , Men Quotes , Rome Quotes
  • If some lose their whole fortunes, they will drag many more down with them . . . believe me that the whole system of credit and finance which is carried on here at Rome in the Forum, is inextricably bound up with the revenues of the Asiatic province. If Those revenues are destroyed, our whole system of credit will come down with a crash.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Marcus Tullius Cicero Quotes , Believe Quotes , Rome Quotes
  • I am ashamed to see what a shallow village tale our so-called History is. How many times must we say Rome, and Paris, and Constantinople! What does Rome know of rat and lizard? What are Olympiads and Consulates to these neighboring systems of being? Nay, what food or experience or succor have they for the Esquimaux seal-hunter, or the Kanaka in his canoe, for the fisherman, the stevedore, the porter?
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes , Rome Quotes , Paris Quotes