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  • Sorrow Quotes   102
  • Personal size and mental sorrow have certainly no necessary proportions. A large bulky figure has a good a right to be in deep affliction, as the most graceful set of limbs in the world. But, fair or not fair, there are unbecoming conjunctions, which reason will pa tronize in vain,--which taste cannot tolerate,--which ridicule will seize.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Jane Austen Quotes , Grief Quotes , Sorrow Quotes
  • There is nothing you can do except try to write it the way that it was. So you must write each day better than you possibly can and use the sorrow that you have now to make you know how the early sorrow came. And you must always remember the things you believed because if you know them they will be there in the writing and you won’t betray them. The writing is the only progress you make.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Ernest Hemingway Quotes , Writing Quotes , Sorrow Quotes