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  • Race Quotes   321
  • All the different nations in the world, despite their differences of appearance and religion and language and way of life, still have one thing in common, and that is what's inside of all of us. If we X-rayed the insides of different human beings, we wouldn't be able to tell from those X-rays what the person's language or background or race is.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Abbas Kiarostami Quotes , Race Quotes , Differences Quotes
  • If nothing were left of an extinct race but a single button, I would be able to infer, form the shape of that button, how these people dressed, built their houses, how they lived, what was their religion, their art, their mentality.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adolf Loos Quotes , Art Quotes , Race Quotes
  • You have just taken an oath of allegiance to the United States. Of allegiance to whom? Of allegiance to no one, unless it be God. Certainly not of allegiance to those who temporarily represent this great government. You have taken an oath of allegiance to a great ideal, to a great body of principles, to a great hope of the human race.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Woodrow Wilson Quotes , Taken Quotes , Race Quotes