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  • Brain Quotes   135
  • Although it is difficult to pinpoint the physical base or location of awareness, it is perhaps the most precious thing concealed within our brains. And it is something that the individual alone can feel and experience. Each of us cherishes it highly, yet it is private.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Dalai Lama Quotes , Brain Quotes , Location Quotes
  • Anything that is secret and mysterious in this system of Yoga should be at once rejected. The best guide in life is strength. In spirituality, as in all other matters, discard everything that weakens you. Have nothing to do with it. Mystery-mongering weakens the human brain. It has well-nigh destroyed Yoga, one of the grandest of sciences
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Swami Vivekananda Quotes , Yoga Quotes , Brain Quotes