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  • Color Quotes   91
  • Awareness is that state of mind which takes in everything-the crows flying across the sky, the flowers on the trees, the people sitting in front, the colors they are wearing - being extensively aware, which needs watching, observing, taking in the shape of the leaf, the shape of the trunk, the shape of the head of another, what he is doing.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Jiddu Krishnamurti Quotes , Flower Quotes , Color Quotes
  • When you can discover where the fresh colors of the faded flower abide, or the music of the broken lyre, seek life among the dead. Such are the anxious and fearful contemplations of the common observer, though the popular religion often prevents him from confessing them even to himself.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Percy Bysshe Shelley Quotes , Flower Quotes , Color Quotes
  • So, The Color Purple changed my life. It changed everything about my life because, in that moment of praying and letting go, I really understood the principle of surrender. The principle of surrender is that, after you have done all that you can do, and you've done your best and given it your all, you then have to release it to whatever you call God, or don't call God.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Oprah Winfrey Quotes , Letting Go Quotes , Color Quotes
  • Geniuses come in many shapes and colors, and they often run in packs. If you can find one, it may lead you to others. Collaborate with geniuses. Send them your spells. Look carefully at theirs. What could you do together? Combination is creation.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Aaron Koblin Quotes , Running Quotes , Color Quotes