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  • Victory Quotes   118
  • My net worth is the market value of holdings less the tax payable upon sale. The liability is just as real as the asset unless the value of the asset declines (ouch), the asset is given away (no comment), or I die with it. The latter course of action would appear to at least border on a Pyrrhic victory.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Warren Buffett Quotes , Real Quotes , Victory Quotes
  • There is no failure in life. It all depends how you take things. If you are desiring too much - you want to reach too high, and you cannot - then there is frustration and failure. But if you are not desiring anything and you are perfectly happy wherever you are, life is moment-to-moment victory.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Rajneesh Quotes , Frustration Quotes , Victory Quotes