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  • Encounters Quotes   22
  • Stop all delays, all seeking and all striving. Put down your concepts, ideas and beliefs. For one instant be still and directly encounter the silent unknown core of your being. In that instant Freedom will embrace you and reveal the Awakening that you are.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adyashanti Quotes , Ideas Quotes , Encounters Quotes
  • We are to regard existence as a raid or great adventure; it is to be judged, therefore, not by what calamities it encounters, but by what flag it follows and what high town it assaults. The most dangerous thing in the world is to be alive; one is always in danger of one's life. But anyone who shrinks from that is a traitor to the great scheme and experiment of being.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Gilbert K. Chesterton Quotes , Adventure Quotes , Encounters Quotes