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  • Ai Weiwei Quotes   340
  • China didn't want to lose the cutting edge of technology. So the idea of having a Sina Weibo was an attempt to compete with Twitter. However, it has no soul - which is freedom of expression. Nevertheless, I think the government regrets having Sina Weibo, but they cannot shut it down. That would definitely be suicidal.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Ai Weiwei Quotes , Regret Quotes , Suicidal Quotes
  • If it's possible, I will have some noodles in the morning and start talking to people, start to think about a few things in my head - the project or a few ideas which are not finished or if there are possible directions and what will lead into another game. It's always like setting up some kind of game you can continuously play.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Ai Weiwei Quotes , Morning Quotes , Thinking Quotes
  • How to become a really modern society when today we are so - as a human being, we feel so powerful. We have high technology and a superb way of controlling our life. And at the same time, in many ways we are so primitive. We are not on - even just a step away from the most brutal and primitive crudity. To be very crude on those issues, which is always challenges and we always have to look at the situation like a mirror, to draw some understanding.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Ai Weiwei Quotes , Powerful Quotes , Technology Quotes