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  • Trust Quotes   92
  • The duty of responsibility placed on any MP is one of the greatest honours that can be bestowed and I for one don't believe the Conservative Party would abuse that trust by selecting someone who did not have the goods to do the job, just for the sake of media coverage.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adam Rickitt Quotes , Trust Quotes , Jobs Quotes
  • When young we have a vivid sense of basic values like trust and warm-heartedness, which we tend to neglect in today's competitive world as we grow up, yet from birth we all have a need for affection. The emotions we experience today have not changed much over the last few thousand years, but the interest increasing numbers of people are showing in their inner world and how their emotions work is a sign of maturity.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Dalai Lama Quotes , Trust Quotes , Buddhist Quotes