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  • Immanuel Kant Quotes   319
  • Two things fill the mind with ever-increasing wonder and awe, the more often and the more intensely the mind of thought is drawn to them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me... Morality is not properly the doctrine of how we may make ourselves happy, but how we may make ourselves worthy of happiness.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Immanuel Kant Quotes , Two Quotes , Awe And Wonder Quotes
  • Laziness and cowardice explain why so many men. . . remain under a life-long tutelage and why it is so easy for some men to set themselves up as the guardians of all the rest. . . If I have a book which understands for me, a pastor who has a conscience for me, a doctor who decides my diet, I need not trouble myself. If I am willing to pay, I need not think. Others will do it for me.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Immanuel Kant Quotes , Book Quotes , Men Quotes
  • For how is it possible, says that acute man, that when a concept is given me, I can go beyond it and connect with it another which is not contained in it, in such a manner as if that latter necessarily belonged to the former?
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Immanuel Kant Quotes , Men Quotes , Given Quotes
  • Often war is waged only in order to show valor; thus an inner dignity is ascribed to war itself, and even some philosophers have praised it as an ennoblement of humanity, forgetting the pronouncement of the Greek who said, 'War is an evil in as much as it produces more wicked men than it takes away.'
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Immanuel Kant Quotes , War Quotes , Men Quotes
  • In the kingdom of ends everything has either a price or a dignity. Whatever has a price can be replaced by something else as its equivalent; on the other hand, whatever is above all price, and therefore admits of no equivalent, has a dignity. But that which constitutes the condition under which alone something can be an end in itself does not have mere relative worth, i.e., price, but an intrinsic worth, i.e., a dignity.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Immanuel Kant Quotes , Hands Quotes , Doe Quotes
  • Nature does nothing in vain, and in the use of means to her goals she is not prodigal. Her giving to man reason and the freedom of the will which depends upon it is clear indication of her purpose. Man accordingly was not to be guided by instinct, not nurtured and instructed with ready-made knowledge; rather, he should bring forth everything out of his own resources.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Immanuel Kant Quotes , Mean Quotes , Men Quotes