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  • Winston Churchill Quotes   1272
  • We sit in calm, airy, silent rooms opening upon sunlit and embowered lawns, not a sound except of summer and of husbandry disturbs the peace; but seven million men, any ten thousand of whom could have annihilated the ancient armies, are in ceaseless battle from the Alps to the Ocean.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Winston Churchill Quotes , Summer Quotes , War Quotes
  • English literature is a glorious inheritance which is open to all - there are no barriers, no coupons, and no restrictions. In the English language and in its great writers there are great riches and treasures, of which, of course, the Bible and Shakespeare stand along on the highest platform.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Winston Churchill Quotes , Inheritance Quotes , Literature Quotes
  • Immense deposits of kimmeridge clay, containing the oil-bearing bands or seams, stretch across England from Dorsetshire to Lincolnshire. [An early political recognition of the native resource. The Geological Survey had identified the inflammable oil shale in reports since at least 1888.]
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Winston Churchill Quotes , Oil Quotes , Political Quotes