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  • Suicide Quotes   149
  • Nothing shall warp me from the belief that every man is a lover of truth. There is no pure lie, no pure malignity in nature. The entertainment of the proposition of depravity is the last profligacy and profanation. There is no skepticism, no atheism but that. Could it be received into common belief, suicide would unpeople the planet.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes , Suicide Quotes , Lying Quotes
  • And Levin, a happy father and a man in perfect health, was several times so near suicide that he hid the cord, lest he be tempted to hang himself, and was afraid to go out with his gun, for fear of shooting himself. But Levin did not shoot himself, and did not hang himself; he went on living.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Leo Tolstoy Quotes , Suicide Quotes , Father Quotes
  • Nothing prevents our denying life by suicide. well then, kill yourself, and you won't discuss. If life displeases you, kill yourself! You live, and cannot understand the meaning of life - then finish it, and do not fool about in life, saying and writing that you do not understand it. You have come into good company where people are contented and know what they are doing; if you find it dull and repulsive - go away!
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Leo Tolstoy Quotes , Suicide Quotes , Writing Quotes
  • Lie is more worth living, more full of interest when you are likely to lose it. It shouldn't be, perhaps, but it is. When you're young and strong and healthy, and life stretches ahead of you, living isn't really important at all. It's young people who commit suicide easily, out of despair from love, sometimes from sheer anxiety and worry. But old people know how valuable life is and how interesting. - Jane Marple
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Agatha Christie Quotes , Suicide Quotes , Strong Quotes
  • First of all, in principle, I'm against physician-assisted suicide, and secondly, I believe it is the prerogative of the federal government to control drug rules. And the idea of using a controlled substance to end somebody's life is something I don't agree with. I can see the idea of using controlled substances to ease somebody's pain. That makes sense.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : George W. Bush Quotes , Suicide Quotes , Pain Quotes
  • In Western Europe people perish from the congestion and stifling closeness, but with us it is from the spaciousness.... The expanses are so great that the little man hasn't the resources to orient himself.... This is what I think about Russian suicides.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Anton Chekhov Quotes , Suicide Quotes , Men Quotes