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  • Persistence Quotes   22
  • It is certainly not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable; it is precisely thereby that it attracts the more subtle minds. It seems that the hundred-times-refuted theory of the "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes , Strong Quotes , Persistence Quotes
  • Only the [Catholic] Church stood squarely across the path of Hitler’s campaign for suppressing truth. I never had any special interest in the Church before, but now I feel a great affection and admiration because the Church alone has had the courage and persistence to stand for intellectual truth and moral freedom. I am forced thus to confess that what I once despised I now praise unreservedly.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Albert Einstein Quotes , Persistence Quotes , Catholic Quotes