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  • Accomplishment Quotes   34
  • For the perfect accomplishment of any art, you must get this feeling of the eternal present into your bones - for it is the secret of proper timing. No rush. No dawdle. Just the sense of flowing with the course of events in the same way that you dance to music, neither trying to outpace it nor lagging behind. Hurrying and delaying are alike ways of trying to resist the present.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Alan Watts Quotes , Art Quotes , Accomplishment Quotes
  • For the perfect accomplishment of any art, you must get this feeling of the eternal present into your bones - for it is the secret of proper timing. No rush. No dawdle. Just the sense of flowing with the course of events in the same way that you dance to music, neither trying to outpace it nor lagging behind. Hurrying and delaying are alike ways of trying to resist the present.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Alan Watts Quotes , Art Quotes , Accomplishment Quotes
  • The great object of life is Sensation - to feel that we exist - even though in pain - it is this "craving void" which drives us to gaming - to battle - to travel - to intemperate but keenly felt pursuits of every description whose principal attraction is the agitation inseparable from their accomplishment.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Lord Byron Quotes , Pain Quotes , Accomplishment Quotes
  • Whatever sense of professional competence we feel in adult life is less the sum of accomplishment than the absence of impossibility: it's really our relief at no longer having to do things we were never good at doing in the first place - relief at never again having to dissect a frog or memorize the periodic table.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adam Gopnik Quotes , Accomplishment Quotes , Adults Quotes
  • All of us are prone to excuse our own mediocre performance. We blame our misfortunes, our disfigurements, our so-called handicaps. Victims of our own rationalization, we say silently to ourselves, 'I'm just too weak,' or 'I'm not cut out for better things.' Others soar beyond our meager accomplishments. Envy and discouragement take their toll. .
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Thomas S. Monson Quotes , Cutting Quotes , Accomplishment Quotes