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  • Healing Quotes   111
  • Let us labor for an inward stillness-- An inward stillness and an inward healing. That perfect silence where the lips and heart Are still, and we no longer entertain Our own imperfect thoughts and vain opinions, But God alone speaks to us and we wait In singleness of heart that we may know His will, and in the silence of our spirits, That we may do His will and do that only
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Quotes , Healing Quotes , Heart Quotes
  • How do you listen? Do you listen with your projections, through your projection, through your ambitions, desire, fears, anxieties, through hearing only what you want to hear, only what will be satisfactory, what will gratify, what will give comfort, what will for the moment alleviate your suffering? If you listen through the screen of your desires, then you obviously listen to your own voice.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Jiddu Krishnamurti Quotes , Healing Quotes , Ambition Quotes