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  • Rewards Quotes   38
  • The Lord had given them the day and the Lord had given them the strength. And the day and the strength had been dedicated to labor, and the labor was its reward. Who was the labor for? What would be its fruits? These were irrelevant and idle questions.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Leo Tolstoy Quotes , Would Be Quotes , Rewards Quotes
  • The liberal reward of labor, therefore, as it is the necessary effect, so it is the natural symptom of increasing national wealth. The scanty maintenance of the laboring poor, on the other hand, is the natural symptom that things are at a stand, and their starving condition that they going backwards fast.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adam Smith Quotes , Hands Quotes , Rewards Quotes
  • The bourgeois thinkers of the eighteenth century thus turned Aristotle's formula on its head: satisfactions which the Greek philosopher had identified with leisure were now transposed to the sphere of work, while tasks lacking in any financial reward were drained of all significance and left to the haphazard attentions of decadent dilettantes. It now seemed as impossible that one could be happy and unproductive as it had once seemed unlikely that one could work and be human.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Alain de Botton Quotes , Greek Quotes , Rewards Quotes