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  • Fun Quotes   187
  • I like to be challenged with language, so I start to do texts for my blogs that people can download, can spread. There is no commercial interest behind it. It's only for fun, like doing something that you really enjoy to do. I have texts that I write specifically for the internet and I put them there. I am interested in how readers also respond to the texts that I write to them.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Paulo Coelho Quotes , Fun Quotes , Writing Quotes
  • It's interesting, for me sappy means sentimental and something that gets you in your heart, gets you emotional. That's what I mean. Also, of course, it means that I'm slightly setting up the audience that there's a bit of fun involved, as well.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Alan Cumming Quotes , Fun Quotes , Heart Quotes
  • If you haven't noticed yet, working sucks. Unless you are a racecar driver or an astronaut or Beyonce, working is completely and utterly devoid of awesome. It is hard, it lasts all day, the lighting is generally fluorescent, and, apparently, drinking at your desk is frowned upon. If you ever needed to ruin someone's fun, I mean really poop a party, just move things to the workplace. Fun terminated.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Aisha Tyler Quotes , Fun Quotes , Party Quotes
  • I like to be challenged with language, so I start to do texts for my blogs that people can download, can spread. There is no commercial interest behind it. It's only for fun, like doing something that you really enjoy to do. I have texts that I write specifically for the internet and I put them there. I am interested in how readers also respond to the texts that I write to them.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Paulo Coelho Quotes , Fun Quotes , Writing Quotes
  • My priority is to turn people - especially kids - on to sports and being active so they don't even have to think about it being good for their health. If people participate for the fun of it, and believe me - it is fun, then fitness programs will be much more successful.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Alan Thicke Quotes , Sports Quotes , Fun Quotes
  • It's never really fun to have to cry in a scene, or anything like that. I just try to put myself in the characters position, and that helps. It's never really fun, but at the same time, if you're having a really bad day, it's a great way to get out all of your frustration by doing a really angry or sad scene. That's always a good release.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Abigail Breslin Quotes , Fun Quotes , Character Quotes
  • I like to be challenged with language, so I start to do texts for my blogs that people can download, can spread. There is no commercial interest behind it. It's only for fun, like doing something that you really enjoy to do. I have texts that I write specifically for the internet and I put them there. I am interested in how readers also respond to the texts that I write to them.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Paulo Coelho Quotes , Fun Quotes , Writing Quotes
  • In the summer of 2002, we had spent six weeks shooting the three pilots of Mythbusters, and Jamie[Hyneman] called me up afterward - well, first he called me up to tell me to clear my crap back out of his shop - and he said, "Well, that was kind of fun, wasn't it? I mean, I don't see where this could go, because we pretty much did everything. But it was fun."
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adam Savage Quotes , Summer Quotes , Fun Quotes