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  • Wine Quotes   259
  • The music, and the banquet, and the wine-- The garlands, the rose odors, and the flowers, The sparkling eyes, and flashing ornaments-- The white arms and the raven hair--the braids, And bracelets; swan-like bosoms, and the necklace, An India in itself, yet dazzling not.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Lord Byron Quotes , Flower Quotes , Wine Quotes
  • Mr. Tulkinghorn, sitting in the twilight by the open window, enjoys his wine. As if it whispered to him of its fifty years of silence and seclusion, it shuts him up the closer. More impenetrable than ever, he sits, and drinks, and mellows as it were in secrecy, pondering at that twilight hour on all the mysteries he knows.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Charles Dickens Quotes , Twilight Quotes , Wine Quotes
  • Poetry, my dear friends, is a sacred incarnation of a smile. Poetry is a sigh that dries the tears. Poetry is a spirit who dwells in the soul, whose nourishment is the heart, whose wine is affection. Poetry that comes not in this form is a false messiah.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Khalil Gibran Quotes , Heart Quotes , Wine Quotes
  • O madness to think use of strongest wines And strongest drinks our chief support of health, When God with these forbidden made choice to rear His mighty champion, strong above compare, Whose drink was only from the liquid brook.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : John Milton Quotes , Strong Quotes , Wine Quotes