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  • Adam Young Quotes   39
  • It's funny how insomnia has a way of hauling faded memories up from the cellar of the mind, unearthing buried bits of nostalgia from deep within and spreading the broken, jagged pieces out in front of you like a display of junk at a garage sale. It makes you feel cheap and guilty when you didn't do a thing in the world to kindle the dull burn in your veins or the sting in your eyes. Some nights the painful past unexpectedly pushes up through the floorboards like an ugly nightmarish weed, and by doing so, cultivates and nurtures an entirely new species of headache.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adam Young Quotes , Weed Quotes , Memories Quotes
  • It's very cool for me to be able to get in an airplane and fly for fourteen hours and show up in a place I never thought I'd ever be and have kids in the same room singing these songs I'd written so far away. To me, that's so surreal.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adam Young Quotes , Song Quotes , Airplane Quotes
  • I really do like surprises. I'm not so talented at planning things out or having schedules before or sticking to the plan per se, but yeah I'm very much a spontaneous guy and it's sort of hard for me to multi-task and to have all these things going on at once.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adam Young Quotes , Guy Quotes , Tasks Quotes
  • You work so hard at something to make sure that it's very pure and very genuine and very steadfast to who you are, so creative control for me is a big one. Thankfully, I've been able to retain 98% of it which I never really expected, so I'm very grateful to be able to control what I can.
  • 4 years ago

    Tags : Adam Young Quotes , Grateful Quotes , Creative Quotes