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  • Errors Quotes   172
  • If at times I have thought myself unfortunate, it is because of a confusion, an error. I have mistaken myself for someone else... Who am I really? I am the author of The World as Will and Representation, I am the one who has given an answer to the mystery of Being that will occupy the thinkers of future centuries. That is what I am, and who can dispute it in the years of life that still remain for me?
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes , Errors Quotes , Years Quotes
  • Concepts which have proved useful for ordering things easily assume so great an authority over us, that we forget their terrestrial origin and accept them as unalterable facts. They then become labeled as 'conceptual necessities,' etc. The road of scientific progress is frequently blocked for long periods by such errors.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Albert Einstein Quotes , Errors Quotes , Long Quotes
  • I have reached the conviction that the abolition of the death penalty is desirable. Reasons: 1) Irreparability in the event of an error of justice, 2) Detrimental moral influence of the execution procedure on those who, whether directly or indirectly, have to do with the procedure.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Albert Einstein Quotes , Errors Quotes , Justice Quotes
  • The mind moves by instincts, associations and premonitions and not by fixed dates or completed processes. Action and reaction will occur simultaneously: or the cause actually be found after the effect. Errors will be resisted before they have been properly promulgated: notions will be first defined long after they are dead.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Gilbert K. Chesterton Quotes , Moving Quotes , Errors Quotes
  • There is only one inborn erroneous notion ... that we exist in order to be happy ... So long as we persist in this inborn error ... the world seems to us full of contradictions. For at every step, in great things and small, we are bound to experience that the world and life are certainly not arranged for the purpose of maintaining a happy existence ... hence the countenances of almost all elderly persons wear the expression of ... disappointment.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Arthur Schopenhauer Quotes , Disappointment Quotes , Errors Quotes