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  • Emotional Quotes   87
  • We can at least try to understand our own motives, passions, and prejudices, so as to be conscious of what we are doing when we apeal to those of others. This is very difficult, because our own prejudice and emotional bias always seems to us so rational.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : T. S. Eliot Quotes , Passion Quotes , Emotional Quotes
  • The right way to deal with mental unhappiness must be within the mind too. On an emotional level, anger, fear and worry bring unhappiness. Scientists say they eat into our immune system. On the other hand, we are also equipped with a sense of affection and compassionate concern for the well-being of others.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : Dalai Lama Quotes , Emotional Quotes , Hands Quotes
  • I am not a mechanism, an assembly of various sections. and it is not because the mechanism is working wrongly, that I am ill. I am ill because of wounds to the soul, to the deep emotional self, and the wounds to the soul take a long, long time, only time can help and patience, and a certain difficult repentance long difficult repentance, realization of life’s mistake, and the freeing oneself from the endless repetition of the mistake which mankind at large has chosen to sanctify.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : D. H. Lawrence Quotes , Mistake Quotes , Emotional Quotes
  • I can look back . . . at two distinct periods of opinion whose foundations I have successively come to distrust - a period before 1919 or so, when the weight of classic authority unduly influenced me, and another period from 1919 to about 1925, when I placed too high a value on the elements of revolt, florid colour, and emotional extravagance or intensity.
  • 3 years ago

    Tags : H. P. Lovecraft Quotes , Emotional Quotes , Two Quotes